Motherly Experience

I know, I have stopped writing and sharing my motherly experience with you all. It’s been long since I connected with you all. But trust me as like you all I also go on for a roller-coaster ride almost every day of my life since my princess came into our lives.  Kreesha has grown up […]

E-Education is the new trend

Everything has changed a lot since Covid-19 has affected the whole world. Education has also witnessed a lot of changes with the onset of Pandemic. E-Education has become the new trend for education of all ages. Being a mom of a toddler, I sometimes worry about vision related issues. E-Education has increased the screen time […]

Struggling with Covid-19

Though staying away from writing and sharing my experiences has been very difficult for me. However, I just could not do anything about it, as my entire family was struggling with Covid-19. These two and a half months have been very stressful and tiring. The only thing that was comforting was the fact that my […]

Travelling with your young ones

I always thought travelling with your young ones can be very tedious, but trust me it was not that difficult. Our first trip was to Rishikesh with Kreesha when she was 1 year old. She totally enjoyed the road trip and does not bother at all during long journeys. I follow certain rules set by me and my husband so that there is less chaos. I don’t say that these are best, but they have proven to be helpful to me.

Outdoor Activities for Kids

The pandemic has affected everyone badly. The worst effect it has on the outdoor activities for kids. The kids have had the worst hit in this pandemic. The kids have been in closed doors for almost 9 months now and this has affected their growth. The effect on development has been both mentally, physically and emotionally.

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