Introducing Colors

Introducing Colors

Colors fascinate all of us, isn’t it? Introducing colors to your kids can be fun as well as challenging also. Colors attract kids more than anything else. With my own experience, I can say that colors in any form are the best tools to entertain kids. Today, I will share some of the ways you can introduce colours to your kids. 

  1. Water Colors in Plastic Sleeve: When I introduced colors to Kreesha, I started with water colors in a plastic sleeve, so she could play around with colors without creating a mess. It’s a great way to let your child play with colors and explore their creative side. No mess, only fun!
  2. Wax Crayons and Paper: Next, I moved to wax crayons. But, before handing over colors to Kreesha, I made sure she understood that these are colors and nothing edible. For that, I showed her some pictures which demonstrated the use of crayons. She started using the colors, her imagination. With this, I started telling her color names also, and started referring to her favorite things around. 
  3. Watercolors and paper: Introducing water colors to kids to be able to use them is fun. I demonstrated Kreesha, how to use colors with brush and how to paint on paper. After that, she mastered the art to create some magical artworks. I will be sharing some of her drawings on my Instagram channel

Kreesha is 23 months old and already has her hands on with watercolours, crayons, wax colours and colored pencils. Introducing colours has helped me understand her creative side. Colours have become an indispensable part of her daily routine. She loves to paint, and this has also initiated her learning skills. 

Another thing to remember is, there is no particular age for introducing colors to your child. I did that, because I noticed her inclination towards colors. However, I also believe that handing colors to your child at an early age makes them learn things quickly. 


Wonder Mom

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