Mom’s Breastmilk is good


Mom’s breastmilk is good, in fact the best for a newborn baby. But what if you don’t produce enough milk to feed your child. It is absolutely fine. The scenario wherein a baby doesn’t feel full after being breastfed is completely acceptable. There are various reasons for the insufficient supply of mother’s milk. Some of the them are:

Cesarean Delivery

One of the most common scenarios where breastmilk is insufficient for the baby is the cesarean deliveries. Cesarean deliveries affect the mother’s body to an extent once cannot imagine. There is a hormonal imbalance, lack of contraction in the uterus resulting in fat accumulation.  

Compared to normal delivery, where a woman pushes out the baby with uterus contractions the risk of hormonal imbalance is minimal. The body has naturally given birth to a new life and thus the process of milk production starts naturally. 

For cesarean deliveries, a mother is separated from her child immediately after delivery for 4-6 hours. The natural contractions and hormonal doesn’t take place. Furthermore, the child is first fed with powdered milk and does not get close to the mother for feed. This creates the very first barrier for breastmilk production. 

Nutrition & Balanced Diet

To retain nutrients in her body and to be able to produce enough milk for the baby, a mother should have a balanced diet. However, it is not necessary that a standard diet plan suits all. Every mother is different and so are there needs in terms of nutrition and balanced diet. Always consult a dietician after your delivery for a personal recommended diet plan. 

Lactation Consultant

Out of my personal experience, I have highlighted this point. After cesarean delivery, a mother definitely needs a lactation consultant. Since the baby is fed with powdered milk the very first time and later requires assistance in latching to the mother, a lactation consultant plays an important role here. The consultant helps the mother and the baby strengthen their bond and gradually improves  the breastmilk supply for the child to feel full. 


Wonder Mom

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