Grooming Self Confidence in Kids

Self Confidence in Kids

Raising a confident child is no child’s play. It involves motivation, appreciation, discipline and much more to build self confidence in kids. Being harsh to them, is a strict no – no, to boost their confidence. 

In this article today, I am sharing my personal experiences and tactics used by my family to build confidence in Kreesha.


  1. Appreciations: As per human tendency, appreciations help an individual improve and learn more. The same is applicable to our toddlers, regular and small appreciations help them build self confidence. A single word of apprehension motivates them to perform better. 
  2. Don’t be harsh on mistakes: When a kid makes a mistake, try not to be harsh or negative to them. Instead try to use phrases like, “Mistakes happen only when you try”, “No worries we will try again together”, “Trying is important than winning”, etc. 
  3. Console your kid: We also make mistakes and may end up doing everything wrong in a task. Try and share your failure / experience with your kid to make them understand the value of making an effort rather than the importance of winning.
  4. Be a role model for your kids: Kids often look up to their parents and imitate their behaviour and nature within themselves. Try and stay confident in front of your kids. Our failure should not reflect our giving up on something, but rather, it should reflect our effort for another chance. 
  5. Focus on strengths: Every parent knows the strengths and weaknesses of their child. Work on them individually and groom your child to be a better person. 

Try to incorporate these basic changes in your behaviour with your kid and witness the difference yourself. I am sure these do’s will help you to groom self confidence in your kids. Do share your experiences (good / bad) with me. 

Wonder Mom

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