Parent Child Bond – Activities to strengthen

Parent child bond

So, here I am with my post for some fun activities. Continuing, the theme of the week, Parent Child bond; this post is about the basic activities, we as parents can carry out with our kids to strengthen our bond with them. My poem was about Mother-daughter bond, my article focused upon the father’s bond with their child. Now, in this Fun Activity segment, I am listing out two basic activities that we as parents carry out and strengthen our bond with Kreesha. These activities are very basic and some of you might even know about them. But I am sharing my experience as a mother of a toddler, what these activities have done for me to strengthen our parent child bond.

Watching TV Together

Watch Television Together

Yes, watching television together encourages child to express more. By television, I don’t mean entertainment channels or movies. But, I mean nursery rhymes, cartoons and news. Yes, this will ensure your child expresses more and is able to communicate her / his feeling way before they start speaking. With nursery rhymes and cartoons, their vocabulary is enhanced and additionally, they learn importance of gestures, facial expressions and body language. And next time, before you even utter a word your child knows, if you are happy or sad about something. 👀 Isn’t it amazing!!! Trust me you gotta try this once.

Cooking Together

Cook Together

Yes you heard me right! Cooking together isn’t only good for couples, but for parent child bond also. My 23 months old toddler loves cooking with me. 🤦‍♀️ She would run towards me as soon as she knows, I am cooking or doing some chores in kitchen. She expresses, she wants to be with me when I am cooking. She even tries her hands on making roti or sometimes just helping me organize kitchen after cooking. So, if you both are cooking together, this strengthens the bond and your kids only learn something interesting in their early years.

So, readers do try one of these and share your experiences with me. Happy reading !


Wonder Mom

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